• CWR Office Field Trip!

    On Friday the Camp Willow Run staff closed the office for a few minutes to visit the Camp Willow Springs site.   There was a lot of excitement as the staff saw the dormitories and walked through them imagining the day that children would be there for summer camp.  The visit concluded with a special time of prayer thanking the Lord for His faithfulness and seeking His guidance in completing Camp Willow Springs.

  • Dormitories are even closer…

    The exterior paint is done and the electrical work is complete in both dormitories.  The interior painting is finished in one dormitory and will soon be compete in the other.  Tile in the bathrooms will soon be laid.

  • Exterior Paint

    After considering a few samples, a paint color has been decided and painting is now underway!

  • Grading

    The ground around the dormitories is being graded so that it may then be seeded.  Once this is complete exterior painting will begin.