• Celebrating 50 Years!

    Throughout this year we have had the privilege to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Youth Camps For Christ, Inc. and its Christian camping and retreat ministries of Camp Willow Run (CWR) established in 1968 and Camp Willow Springs (CWS) established in 2014. In June, we hosted a 50th anniversary celebration event for staff alumni. Over 550 staff and guests attended! J.D. Greear, pastor of the Summit Church and a former CWR summer speaker, challenged us from Psalm 126 as he talked about faith and sacrifice. He defined faith as the audacious expectation that God will do something, against even incredible odds and shared that this is the kind of faith…

  • 50th Anniversary Celebration

    Youth Camps For Christ, Inc. was founded in 1968. YCFC, a nonprofit organization, owns and operates Camp Willow Run & Camp Willow Springs. Both camps are located on Lake Gaston in Littleton, NC. Camp Willow Run began operation in 1968 as a day camp and became a coed residential camp that currently serves campers in grade 6-8 and 9-12. Camp Willow Springs opened in 2014 and is a coed residential camp serving campers in grades 3-6. The 3-part mission statement for YCFC is as follows: Win young people to Jesus Christ Mature those who are already believers Show that you can be a Christian and have fun On Saturday, June…

  • Summer Registration: Points to Remember

    Hello Camp Families!   Summer camp registration opens on January 29th! Registration for Camp Willow Springs will open at 10:00am.  Registration for Camp Willow Run will begin a few hours later at 1:00pm.  We know there is a lot of excitement about registration, so here is a list of some things to help you prepare:   If you already have an account, please make sure you remember your password.  You can confirm that you have your correct password and have account access by going to campwillowsprings.org or campwillowrun.org and clicking “My Account” in the top right corner of the page. You should be able to login from there. If you end up being locked out of your account, please contact our…

  • Apply for Summer Staff!

    The 2018 Youth Camps For Christ Summer Staff Application is now online! If you are interested in serving at Camp Willow Springs or Camp Willow Run, now is the time to apply! Access the application and find out more information about our summer staff positions on the Summer Staff page.