January 24th Summer Camp Registration Update
Hello Camper Families! We are excited to open summer camp registration in one week! We have a new registration system and have created a registration guide to give you an overview of what to expect next Monday. A few reminders and pointers as you plan ahead: Registration opens Monday, January 31, 2022. CWS campers in rising grades 3-6 will be able to register beginning at 10am. CWR campers in rising grades 10 through rising college freshman can access sessions and register at noon. CWR campers in rising grades 7-9 can access sessions and register at 2pm. Your child’s space in a session is not secured until the non-refundable $50…
YCFC End-of-Year Update
As a ministry, we praise God for every opportunity to serve summer campers and retreat guests. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a reminder of how truly grateful we are for each of you. We received the following encouraging comments from camper evaluations: “We continue to be blessed by CWS and CWR! Thank you for persevering through some crazy months and working so hard to make this camp week possible. We are grateful for you all!” “This camp has always surpassed my expectations as a parent. Thank you so much for what you do for these children and the lives you touch. Our family and our community is a better place…
December Update
A Word from our Executive Director A painted ceramic tile made by our son, Thad, when he was in the 3rd grade has become the centerpiece of the fall decorations in our home. Thad is now 14 years old and in the 8th grade, but his tile (pictured) is a timeless treasure to us. Thad painted this fall scene and listed that he was thankful for God, Jesus, CWS, CWR, family, sports, and even Batman! What a sincere and simple reminder of giving thanks. At CWS and CWR, we are thankful for summer campers and retreat guests. We are grateful for opportunities to share the Gospel and serve others.…
Summer Camp Registration: Points to Remember
Hello Camp Families! Summer camp registration opens in a few days on Monday January 27th! Registration for Camp Willow Springs will open at 10:00am. Registration for Camp Willow Run campers in rising grades 10-12 will begin at 12:00pm. Registration for CWR campers in rising grades 6-9 will open at 2:00pm. We know there is a lot of excitement about registration, so here is a list of some things to help you prepare: If you already have an account, please make sure you remember your password. You can confirm that you have your correct password and have account access by going to campwillowsprings.org or campwillowrun.org and clicking “My Account” in the top right corner of the page. You should be…
Registration Reminders 2019
Summer camp registration opens on January 28th! Registration for Camp Willow Springs will open at 10:00am. Registration for Camp Willow Run will begin a few hours later at 1:00pm. We have created a new Guide to Summer Camp at CWS and a Guide to Summer Camp at CWR. We believe these guides can be helpful for both first-time and returning camper families. Additionally, we know there is a lot of excitement about registration, so here is a list of some specific things to help you prepare: If you already have an account, please make sure you remember your password. You can confirm that you have your correct password and that…
Summer Registration: Points to Remember
Hello Camp Families! Summer camp registration opens on January 29th! Registration for Camp Willow Springs will open at 10:00am. Registration for Camp Willow Run will begin a few hours later at 1:00pm. We know there is a lot of excitement about registration, so here is a list of some things to help you prepare: If you already have an account, please make sure you remember your password. You can confirm that you have your correct password and have account access by going to campwillowsprings.org or campwillowrun.org and clicking “My Account” in the top right corner of the page. You should be able to login from there. If you end up being locked out of your account, please contact our…
2018 Summer Camp Dates Available!
Further information about registration, rates, etc. will be available soon!
2017 Summer Registration Guide
We have created a guide to walk you through the registration process. Download the 2017 Sumer Registration Guide to see what you can expect when registration opens at 10am on January 30th!
Registration Update 01/11/17
We are excited that our new camp management system will allow families to create their own accounts and manage camper sessions and retreats, profiles, and submitted forms. We are still in the implementation phase, but wanted to share a way that our camp families could begin to orient themselves to the new account system. The Summer Registration Form will go online January 30, 2017 at 10am. It will be available in several places on the campsite. There will be a link in the right side sidebar of campwillowsprings.org, and on the Registration 2017 page, and on the dashboard of your family account. Once your account is set up, you will be…
Changes to Summer Camp Registration
We are excited to be partnering with CampMinder as our new camp management system. Working with CampMinder will help us streamline the registration process for our camper families and staff. In 2017, CWS & CWR will offer online summer camp registration and will accept online payments. Families will be able to create their own accounts and manage camper sessions and retreats, profiles, and submitted forms. Registration forms will open online at 10 a.m. on January 30th at campwillowrun.org and campwillowsprings.org. System setup is underway, please visit check back for additional updates and information.