July Greetings
Each week we have a “Boxcar Roster” with the names and boxcar assignments for all campers. During week # 7, July 17-23, High School campers were at camp. Just about all of these teenagers have been campers for four to ten years. We are watching them “grow up” and grow in their faith. Their joy and exuberance for the Lord and life are invigorating!
We are also excited about the growth at Camp Willow Springs. The Surveyor has staked off the location for two more buildings. The camp office and the health care center are next for construction. This work begins this week.
The need is to open Camp Willow Springs for summer 2012. In order for this to take place, we must begin construction of the dining hall this fall and the pool soon after the first of the year.
As God puts it on your heart, contact Robbie Harris or Linda Harris for further information as to funding or in-kind services you may be in a position to offer. Every gift is essential to reaching the goal for completion of Phase 1 and arrival of campers.
Thank you for your partnership through prayer and financial support with this ministry and the young people and families we serve.