September Update
The Camp Willow Run summer theme, Live the Life, is from John 10:10…”I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly.” During our twelve summer sessions, 2000 campers participated in summer programs. What a joy to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to this generation of young people and see their enthusiasm and joy to know and serve Him with abundant LIFE!
Several years ago, we began to see huge backlogs of waiting lists for applications that could not be processed due to lack of space. I will never forget sitting in the home of Alvis and Mac Fleming…..overlooking the cornfield across the road of their Sunny Acres farm. Broken over the long waiting lists of children who could not attend Camp Willow Run, they shared that God was leading them to retire from dairy farming. It was time to ”to stop growing corn and start growing children” through a second Christian camp.
God provided the way for Youth Camps for Christ, Inc. to purchase the land through a Charitable Trust. We know that God is the Master Designer of Camp Willow Springs.
Through His skilled architects, builders, craftsmen, and those who contribute with such a willing heart, construction of Camp Willow Springs is underway.
What a joy to follow progress! The site crew for Glover Construction Company, joined by a crew from Rightmyer Construction Company, have cut in the entrance road and parking lot and are preparing the building sites for Phase I construction. Soon grass will be sown on the field portions of the site and the road and parking lot will be covered with gravel.
Your continued prayer support and friendship with this ministry is deeply appreciated. As we move forward with construction, your financial support will make a difference in the opening of Camp Willow Springs for summer camp. Our goal is to be in operation by summer 2011. Come and partner with us as we grow another generation of children who love the Lord Jesus. These young people are our joy today and hope for tomorrow.