Timelines & Guideposts
A “time line” can remind us of where we have come from and where we are now. We can follow “guide posts” to take us where we want to go. In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, we took giant steps of faith to launch a Christian camping ministry on the shore of Lake Gaston. During that time, we claimed Psalms 90: 16-17 as our prayer:
“Let Your work appear to Your servants; and Your majesty to Your children;
And let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; and do confirm for us the
work of our hands ; Yes, confirm the work of our hands.”
Great is God’s faithfulness! Indeed, He confirmed His work in the development of Camp Willow Run and the outreach ministries that have impacted the lives of thousands and thousands of campers and families.
The time line and guideposts continue to grow forward in this journey of faith with the development of Camp Willow Springs. Recently the following note was received from a mother of campers, whose family has partnered with us in the Campaign for Camp Willow Springs:
“ I find such joy in the love God shows us as He shares His plan with us. As we all know, He is at work in ways we can’t even imagine; yet He gives us glimpses so we can rejoice with Him. I am excited that the time frame is falling in place and that others are heeding the call to see this dream develop. Many years ago, God picked a little town (literally, Littleton) to do a Mighty work in—and He allows us along for the ride. Praise be to God and to those who are sowing the seeds with us.”
– With love, The James Family
Indeed, we do “sing of the loving kindness of the Lord forever; To all generations ‘we’ will make known His faithfulness….” (Psalm 89:1).
Thank you for your partnership through friendship, prayer and financial support. Pray with us as we are moving closer to beginning the construction of the first two dormitories!