“Camp, an iPad, and Jesus”
As we prepared to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, my son, Thad, was given a school assignment to write a paragraph about the things for which he is thankful. Thad wrote: “I am thankful for a lot of stuff. Here are some things. I am thankful for my family, my dog, a house, food, Camp Willow Run and Camp Willow Springs, a bed, an iPad, legos, friends, God, and Jesus. The thing I am most thankful for is God and Jesus because God made me and Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins. Those are the things I am thankful for.” – Thad Harris, 4th grade What…
Current Greatest Area of Need: Funds for Dining Hall & Pool
Winning young people to Jesus Christ, maturing those who are already Christians, and showing that you can be a Christian and have fun are all part of the mission of Youth Camps For Christ, Inc. We will soon complete another exciting year of serving children and youth through Camp Willow Run (CWR). This year 2,400 campers attended our summer camps and we were blessed to be full for each week of camp. We have continued to place campers on waiting lists because of lack of space at CWR. Our desire is to be able to serve all young people who want to attend one of our summer camps. To be…
Together…for our children
We just wrapped up our 21st Fall Mother-Daughter Legacy Retreat at Camp Willow Run. There were 73 Moms and 83 middle school, high school and college daughters who participated in this unique and special week-end. Our speaker has a heart for leading young women and their Moms to understand what it means to find completion in Christ. It was an amazing time of spiritual renewal, new friendships, recreation, laughter, worship in song and through the Word of God, and spending time together as Mothers and daughters in the beautiful location at Lake Gaston! Camp Willow Run can readily host Mother-Daughter, Father-Son and Super High retreats….times that we thoroughly enjoy planning…
July Greetings
Each week we have a “Boxcar Roster” with the names and boxcar assignments for all campers. During week # 7, July 17-23, High School campers were at camp. Just about all of these teenagers have been campers for four to ten years. We are watching them “grow up” and grow in their faith. Their joy and exuberance for the Lord and life are invigorating! We are also excited about the growth at Camp Willow Springs. The Surveyor has staked off the location for two more buildings. The camp office and the health care center are next for construction. This work begins this week. The need is to open Camp Willow…
CWS Dining Hall
As construction of the two dorms is underway, we also continue to actively seek funds for the completion of Phase One of Camp Willow Springs. We have received gifts, pledges, and in-kind services in the amount of $3.6m. Phase One construction will cost approximately $6 million. Please pray with us as we seek the funds for the dining hall. It will seat 300 people and will have a full commercial kitchen. The cost of the dining hall is approx. $1 million. The fundraising need for this building is a priority as it’s construction is vital to the opening of Camp Willow Springs