Interior & Exterior Painting
The exterior painting is nearly complete and the interior painting is underway.
Exterior Paint
After considering a few samples, a paint color has been decided and painting is now underway!
The ground around the dormitories is being graded so that it may then be seeded. Once this is complete exterior painting will begin.
Siding Completed
The siding is now up on the dormitories and they are looking sharp!
Saturday Visitors
We have had a great summer of showing the Camp Willow Springs site to visitors. On Saturdays, after the CWR closing program, a number of families have joined us at CWS to see the dormitory construction, learn more about the project, and enjoy a cup of cookie mush – a camper favorite.
Exterior Siding
The exterior siding has arrived and installation has begun.
Interior Work Continues
Interior work has continued on the dormitories. Insulation is in place and OSB is being added to the walls.
Porches Poured
Progress has continued on the metal roofing. Today the concrete for the dormitory porches was poured. More updates soon!
Metal Roofing
Last Thursday, the metal roofing for the dormitories arrived and was unloaded. Heavy rains stayed south of us and allowed the crew to begin work on the roof. Progress has moved steadily along and has continued throughout the day today.
Dormitories Update
The trusses are installed and the OSB sheeting on the trusses has been completed. We are excited that the two dormitories are now ready for metal roofing! The roofing is scheduled to be delivered on Tuesday. The weather has been beautiful this week and much progress has been made with construction.