Trusses have arrived!
The roof trusses arrived on Monday. E. Carroll Mann Contractors immediately began putting them in place and were able to complete one dormitory. Rain delayed the progress yesterday. This morning, they are installing the trusses on the second dorm. It is exciting to see the buildings continue to grow!
Dormitory Progress
The beautiful weather has allowed E. Carroll Mann Contractors to make noticeable progress on the construction of the two dormitories. The exterior and interior walls have been framed on one building. Framing is now underway on the second building. Each dormitory will be 2,100 square feet. It is exciting to see the dormitories take shape!
Dormitory Picture Update
Utility Installation
Ellington Contractors worked Friday and Saturday to trench and lay conduit for the utility installation for Phase One of Camp Willow Springs. Their work will allow us to soon have electrical power at the construction site. The Ellington brothers, David, Matt, and Michael, were all campers at Camp Willow Run in the 80’s and 90’s. David’s sons, Kyle and Jake, who are current campers, joined their dad for the weekend.
Concrete Poured Today
After having some delays due to rain this week, the concrete is finally being poured today. It is exciting to see the big concrete trucks coming down the road. There is a crew here now. They have almost finished the first dormitory and should be moving on to the second one shortly.
Gravel Backfill
Foundation Blocks
The foundation blocks have been completed and are ready for the gravel backfill.
Footings Poured
The footings have been poured and the foundation blocks will soon be laid.
Dormitory Footers & Access Road
E. Carroll Mann Contractors is digging the footings of the two dormitories and Glover Construction is on site to complete the graveling of the entry road and parking lot. Also, they installed and graveled the access road to the dorm construction site. We praise the Lord for those who are partnering with us to see CWS become a reality. This is a great day!