Windows & Siding for Office & Health Care Center
Progress has continued on the Office and Health Care Center. The windows have been installed and the siding for the two buildings is being put in place.
Trusses for the Health Care Center
A Special Picture
September 5, Jeremy Davis and I decided to take a boat ride around the lake. As we departed we experienced some rain but decided we were going to make the best of the trip regardless. A couple of hours later we put the boat away and while walking up the hill towards my truck, Jeremy told me to turn around and look up. What I saw was a beautiful rainbow. It was only fitting that the rainbow rest over the property at Camp Willow Springs. This rainbow seemed to be full of color and meaning. The rainbow cast its color in a semi-circle, starting at the trees and fading back…
Framing Progress on the Office
Photo Update
Framing of the Office:
Office and Health Care Center Update
The foundation block has been laid for both the camp office and health care center. Both buildings are now ready for the plumbing rough-in and gravel backfill. It is exciting to see these buildings begin to take shape!
Interior Work Continues…
Painting and sub-contractor work has continued in both dormitories. The addition of counter tops, sinks, shower stalls, and toilets bring the two buildings closer and closer to completion. As this work continues, the YCFC Board of Directors is making plans for how to proceed with development of Phase One.
Tile & Grout
The tile and grout work is nearly finished in one of the dormitories.
Board of Directors visit CWS
On Wednesday, several members of the Board of Directors visited the Camp Willow Springs site to tour the nearly completed dormitories with the Executive Director, Director of Operations & Development, and the general contractor. After the tour, the Board of Directors met to discuss and plan for the next steps in completing Phase One of Camp Willow Springs.
Dormitories are even closer…
The exterior paint is done and the electrical work is complete in both dormitories. The interior painting is finished in one dormitory and will soon be compete in the other. Tile in the bathrooms will soon be laid.