Clear Skies
In mid-January, the rain began. As you may know, it rained and it snowed and then it rained and snowed some more (see the result below). As the ground has finally dried in mid-February, we are able to take advantage of the nice weather and there is much activity taking place on the CWS property.
Great is His Faithfulness
We serve an amazing God. Great is His faithfulness. Every day we are truly awed by the changes being sculptured in the land through the site preparation at Camp Willow Springs! Eleven earthmoving machines are on site shaping the new entrance road and parking area, defining the location of the dining hall and the areas for the girl’s dormitories, boy’s dormitories, the Aquatic Center, the Amphitheater, Health Care Center, Campstore, office, and meeting room. Watch the progress and grow with us in the inspiring development of Camp Willow Springs!
Site Development Has Begun
“Behold, I will do something new. Now it will spring forth…..” Isaiah 43: 19a After a long and very busy twenty-four months of working with Engineers, Surveyors, a Soil Scientist, Site Contractors, Building Contractor and State and County officials, it is with excitement that we have this update to share with you. The plan for grading, soil erosion and sediment control has been completed by our Engineers and approved by the State of North Carolina. The Surveyor is completing the staking for all site plan needs (buildings, roads, parking, septic, etc). Designs of buildings are being finalized for presentation to our County officials for permitting. And on Tuesday, July 14,…