Fundraising & Development Update
With the excellent response from campers for our first summer at CWS, plans are already underway to add more weeks for Summer 2015. A camper family shared in their end of summer evaluation, “Love you guys and loved seeing the vision become a reality!” We praise God for the opening of CWS and we trust Him with our continued development. Camp Willow Springs opened this summer with facilities to serve 80 campers per week. The goal is for CWS to grow and eventually serve 240 campers each week. In order to increase capacity to serve additional campers, we need a dining hall with a commercial kitchen, additional dormitories, staff housing…
A Special Delivery!
Davis Cooley, a former camper, recently completed and donated four picnic tables for Camp Willow Springs as a part of his Eagle Scout project. The tables are a welcome addition and will benefit campers for years to come. A big thank you to Davis and those involved in the project! There are several similar opportunities to donate time or a special project at CWS and CWR. Please contact us if you have an idea of a way to contribute to the camps.
Development Update – Spring 2014
As we open CWS this summer, we are reminded of God’s great provision for CWS and of the faithful partners He has provided to help us reach this point. In 2013, friends of CWS provided a matching gift offer of $150,000 toward the pool complex. As a result, any gift designated for the pool was matched dollar for dollar up to this amount. Thank you for collectively giving $162,000 to complete this matching gift offer. The total cost of the pool complex is $445,000 and work on the pool interior and pool house will be complete soon. We will serve up to 80 campers per week this summer. The plan…
Matching Gift Opportunity
We are excited that friends of CWS have provided a matching gift offer of $150,000 toward the pool complex. As a result, any gift given toward the pool will be matched dollar for dollar up to this amount. The total cost of the pool complex will be $445,000 and this cost includes the pool, pool house, grading, fencing, and retaining wall. To learn more about the CWS Pool visit campwillowsprings.org/pool. To give, click the link to the right to give online, or contact us about other giving options. Thank you for your support!
April 2013 Update
There are two dormitories currently under construction. Once complete, they will give us a total of four dormitories and will house a total of 80 campers. The meeting room is under construction. This building is 4,608 square feet and will initially serve the dual role of a meeting space for music and Bible study as well as provide a space for our camp food service. Construction of the pool complex is to begin this May. The swimming area will contain 5,198 square feet of water and will include three water slides. It will be a central recreation feature at CWS. We currently have received a matching gift opportunity of…
10,000 Miles Memorial Run
Memorial Run for Alana & Chrissy Saturday, September 29, 2012 10K begins at 8:00am 5K begins at 9:00am Fun Walk begins at 10:15am Pre-registration preferred; however, registration will begin 1 hour prior to each event. Registration via mail received by September 9, 2012 will ensure t-shirt. All proceeds go to Camp Willow Springs in Memory of Alana Liles and Chrissy Laureano For more details, click here to download the registration form or visit the facebook page.
Current Greatest Area of Need: Funds for Dining Hall & Pool
Winning young people to Jesus Christ, maturing those who are already Christians, and showing that you can be a Christian and have fun are all part of the mission of Youth Camps For Christ, Inc. We will soon complete another exciting year of serving children and youth through Camp Willow Run (CWR). This year 2,400 campers attended our summer camps and we were blessed to be full for each week of camp. We have continued to place campers on waiting lists because of lack of space at CWR. Our desire is to be able to serve all young people who want to attend one of our summer camps. To be…
Together…for our children
We just wrapped up our 21st Fall Mother-Daughter Legacy Retreat at Camp Willow Run. There were 73 Moms and 83 middle school, high school and college daughters who participated in this unique and special week-end. Our speaker has a heart for leading young women and their Moms to understand what it means to find completion in Christ. It was an amazing time of spiritual renewal, new friendships, recreation, laughter, worship in song and through the Word of God, and spending time together as Mothers and daughters in the beautiful location at Lake Gaston! Camp Willow Run can readily host Mother-Daughter, Father-Son and Super High retreats….times that we thoroughly enjoy planning…
July Greetings
Each week we have a “Boxcar Roster” with the names and boxcar assignments for all campers. During week # 7, July 17-23, High School campers were at camp. Just about all of these teenagers have been campers for four to ten years. We are watching them “grow up” and grow in their faith. Their joy and exuberance for the Lord and life are invigorating! We are also excited about the growth at Camp Willow Springs. The Surveyor has staked off the location for two more buildings. The camp office and the health care center are next for construction. This work begins this week. The need is to open Camp Willow…
Our Children… A Treasure Beyond Measure!
Together, we make a difference in the lives of the children. It is a partnership with an eternal investment. Thousands of children have been spiritually nurtured and encouraged in their faith through involvement in Camp Willow Run’s summer and retreat programs. Hundreds and hundreds of others missed that opportunity due to lack of space during summer sessions. Weeks continue to have waiting lists. Working together, we are making a difference in the development of Camp Willow Springs. Thanks to donors, two dorms are completed. We need to continue construction of dorms and other Phase One facilities. The two largest facilities need funding so that construction can begin this summer. The…