A Word from Linda Harris
Recently, as I opened an envelope, there was a small, bright yellow sheet of stationery wrapped around a gift for Camp Willow Springs. A gracious gift from a young couple was enclosed with a message written by the wife: “CWR has always meant so much to me and hope one day my kids will be able to attend. Here is something to help God’s plan for advancement in His kingdom. Thanks for all you do!” We praise God for the influence camp had in the life of this young woman, now a wife and mother. I am so touched by the reason for this gift. * “CWR has always meant so…
The End of the Year Update
It has been an exciting year as we have been able to watch the construction of the first two dormitories on the Camp Willow Springs (CWS) property! These duplex dormitories have two sleeping areas and a joint activity/meeting room. Each dorm will be able to accommodate twenty-two campers and staff. Our next steps in Phase One of CWS will be to install the community water system and various septic systems. As construction continues, we intend to begin work on the camp office and health care center. While the strides we have made are exciting, our greatest area of need at this time is the construction of the dining hall. The…
Saturday Visitors
We have had a great summer of showing the Camp Willow Springs site to visitors. On Saturdays, after the CWR closing program, a number of families have joined us at CWS to see the dormitory construction, learn more about the project, and enjoy a cup of cookie mush – a camper favorite.
CWS Dining Hall
As construction of the two dorms is underway, we also continue to actively seek funds for the completion of Phase One of Camp Willow Springs. We have received gifts, pledges, and in-kind services in the amount of $3.6m. Phase One construction will cost approximately $6 million. Please pray with us as we seek the funds for the dining hall. It will seat 300 people and will have a full commercial kitchen. The cost of the dining hall is approx. $1 million. The fundraising need for this building is a priority as it’s construction is vital to the opening of Camp Willow Springs
Timelines & Guideposts
A “time line” can remind us of where we have come from and where we are now. We can follow “guide posts” to take us where we want to go. In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, we took giant steps of faith to launch a Christian camping ministry on the shore of Lake Gaston. During that time, we claimed Psalms 90: 16-17 as our prayer: “Let Your work appear to Your servants; and Your majesty to Your children; And let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; and do confirm for us the work of our hands ; Yes, confirm the work of our hands.” Great…
September Update
The Camp Willow Run summer theme, Live the Life, is from John 10:10…”I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly.” During our twelve summer sessions, 2000 campers participated in summer programs. What a joy to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to this generation of young people and see their enthusiasm and joy to know and serve Him with abundant LIFE! Several years ago, we began to see huge backlogs of waiting lists for applications that could not be processed due to lack of space. I will never forget sitting in the home of Alvis and Mac Fleming…..overlooking the cornfield across the road of their Sunny…